6152 How to build stage 37
Ageing the Case Further using acid and making it look 50 years old
I have separated these stages as some people will not have acid or prefer not to work with it. Acid will add very fast aging to the case. Here is how its done.
The case is being prepared with P1200 wet and dry. You can skip this process as shown above if you have already polished your case with p1200, simply dont polish the case too much and make it too shiny

6152 How to build stage 38
Make the case shiny but not too shiny (a little dull)

6152 How to build stage 39
This is what the finish should look like before acid

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The case has been dipped into hydrochloric acid for around 5 minutes (test first with a piece of stainless steel as acid come in different strengths).

6152 How to build stage 41
5 minutes later

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Now its time to polish some areas with a cloth to remove some of the acid ageing. Do not used wet and dry paper.

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The inside of the case is nicely aged and is left as it it.

6152 How to build stage 44
Here we see the 618 Movement holder, the correct version is marked with a Green Tick

6152 How to build stage 45
The movement is now fitted note how it sits.